Buying and Selling a Car

STEP 1: 車庫証明書 Proof of a Parking Space

White plate cars need proof of a parking spot, depending on your municipal. (Some rural areas may not require this.) You can get the form from the police station. The forms will need to be overlooked and signed by the individual or company looking at the property. 

You will need to include:
Information about the car – The registration number, number plate, etc.
A map showing the parking space in relation to your residence, and lay out of the space.
Evidence that you have the land owners consent to use said parking space.
Cash to pay any fees.

Allow yourself plenty of time, as it could take up to 3 or 4 days to process to application, plus the time it takes to track down your landlord, which can differ greatly.

Step 2: 任意保険 Comprehensive Vehicle Insurance

You will need to purchase comprehensive vehicle insurance before driving your new car. You can do this online or in person. You will need detailed information about the car which can be found on the shaken certificate.

Step 3: 印鑑証明書 Personal Seal Registration Certificate

If your contracting Organization already registered your inkan on your behalf, chances are they could already have the registration certificate in their possession. If you haven’t registered one, head to your municipal office with your inkan to get it registered. Note: The buyer will also have to provide this certificate, but it can be done separately.

Step 4: 住民票 Residence Record 

If you haven’t already requested a record of residence with your resident card you are able to do so at your municipal office. You will need your residence card, personal seal and around 300 yen for the fee depending on your town. Both the buyer and seller will need to provide this information, but it can be done separately.

Step 5: 委任状 Letter of Authorization (optional)

This is only essential if the seller or buyer are intending to not be present at the Transportation Bureau on the day of transferring the ownership. Otherwise skip this step.

Step 6: 運輸支局 Go to the Transportation Bureau

Make sure you bring all of the above materials along with:
Shaken – Vehicle motor inspection certificate
Jibaiseki hokensho – Automobile liability insurance
Jidoshazei nozei shomesho – Receipt of vehicle tax